Mystic Universe

Certified & Experienced Psychic Coach

Oracle of Auset, Trance channel, Psychic Medium & Angel Intuitive

I am an experienced psychic reader and auset egyptian healer. I believe in caring, compassionate healing of our people, animals and the earth itself.
It is important to embrace this life experience and be fully present to awaken ourselves and others. My focus is on sharing practical and effective methods for you to empower yourself. I look forward to meeting you soon.
I love to work with crystals, the angelic realm, Ascended masters and egyptian Divinities for healing and releasing illnesses and any difficult situation.

I look forward to meeting you soon Sue

Join us tomorrow night – Thursday Oct 10th at 8pm for this incredible energetic activation event! 10/10 Portal of light – Distance …

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Auset Ancient Egyptian Healing is a system of Spiritual energy healing based on Ancient Egyptian Healing methods and Alchemy. It includes working with energies from the planet Sirius plus the Egyptian Divinities especially Goddess Auset. 

Auset is also known as Isis and is the Ancient Egyptian Mother Goddess of Magic, Healing and Spiritual Science. Attunements and initiations to her powerful blue healing energies as well as many other divinities, are the basis for this highly effective healing modality. 

Auset Temple Egyptian Energy Healing

Auset healing is wonderful for self healing, healing for family and friends or as a “Hands On” system for healing for clients. The Auset Divine Blue energy is sent from the hands and heart with love and has a great healing effect for those with chronic and acute pain, stress, migraines, neck and back problems, chronic fatigue and many other ailments. Course students have also received amazing healings following attendance through the “Self-Healing” techniques taught during the course.

Auset Healing is very different to Reiki, Sekhem or Isis Seichim. Powerful healing and psychic abilities, latent within us all, are increased when the 12 strand DNA & Cosmic Energy Field are activated.

Spiritual Surgery techniques are also taught which is wonderful to use when nothing else seems to work. 

Auset Healing is also a planetary system of healing and can heal the environment where it is practised.

Discover for yourself the power of these Secret Egyptian Healing Codes and why so many healers, nurses, doctors, lawyers and parents around the world are seeking to study this beautiful and remarkably effective system of Alchemical Ancient Egyptian Healing.

All healers (even those with advanced skills) find these workshops greatly enhance their healing abilities. Even if you have no healing experience you can become an effective healer! All Health Care Professionals can adapt these energies and the knowledge taught to greatly enhance their practice.

There are 3 levels required to become a qualified practitioner of Auset Temple Healing. Courses must be taken in order to achieve qualified practitioner certification. Each level costs $495 and is held over 2 days. Usually a Thursday and Friday. If you require a Friday night/Saturday combination due to work commitments, please join our waitlist.

Psychic Readings with Sue

Certified & Experienced Psychic Coach, Oracle of Auset, Trance channel, Psychic Medium & Angel Intuitive. Note: All readings can be completed via the internet if required. Recorded and sent to you for later listening. So no matter where you are in the world, you can get a Psychic reading for yourself.

30 min Psychic Readings/Divination
Perfect for quick questions or clarification of highest priority. Quick action and insight to present and future. Brief numerology.

60 min Psychic Reading/Divination/Coaching
Great for Future Direction, Love & Relationships, Career & Business, Travel, Health, Spiritual direction, assistance in defining and accepting soul contracts, lessons and karmic patterns, Year ahead.

90 min Psychic Reading/Divination/Coaching/Healing
Ideal for any issue, question or situation past, present & or future. Includes Karmic Release/clearing karmic blocks where affecting you now. For clearing and healing difficult people or situations in your life. Also includes short healing session and meditation/channelling.

Bastet Intuitive Crystal Bodywork

Relax deeply and let your cares, fears and concerns transmute into beautiful joyful and positive energy. This intuitive crystalline bodywork channeled by Goddess Bastet will reduce stress and physical tension, clear emotional and spiritual blockages and activate powerful kundalini energies.

This beautiful bodywork is a nurturing and empowering combination of many Ancient Egyptian Healing techniques, intuitive therapeutic massage and crystal therapy. Every session is unique and may also include elements of anointing, sound, hypnotic voice processes and meditation.Excellent for clearing feelings of overwhelm, sadness, disconnection and disharmony. This therapy is channeled to your healer Sue directly by Goddess Bastet and so contains Bastets energies of joy,creativity, manifestation, abundance and Kundalini activation. 

This therapy is 90 mins of intuitive crystal therapy, massage and energy healing plus a further 10-15 mins for a consultation.  Please allow at least one hour 45 mins for completion. Cost $195

Interested? Shop The Crystal Collection

Visit here to view our amazing crystals from around the world!

Kind Words From

My Beautiful Clients

We take a moment to say thanks to Sue. In the heart of the mystical and metaphysical community of the Sunshine Coast, …

Distance healing is a practice where healing energy is sent to someone from a distance. It’s believed energy isn’t limited by space …

In old Egypt, where people believed deeply in spiritual things, healing wasn’t just about fixing the body. It was seen as a …