Mystic Universe

Auset Temple Egyptian Healing Level 1 – Now online for You!!

Auset Temple Egyptian Healing Level 1
Now available online for the first time!!

Auset Temple Egyptian Healing Workshop Now is a great time to start your studies into the Ancient Egyptian Realm. Connect with beautiful Goddess Auset (Isis)  and other powerful Egyptian divinities and start the process of beautiful and empowing change in your life. Learn an important self healing process and also how to do this divine healing on family and friends in Level 1 and for clients after completing all 3 levels and becoming a practitioner.

You are welcome to join us even if you only wish to do this first level for your own personal journey and self healing. You will be very glad you attended any of the workshops.  Students receive amazing insights, powerful self healing and a clearer vision of what their soul purpose and connection to Ancient Egypt really is.

Once you have reconnected it often opens many doors to self discovery and creates a peaceful sense of purpose. 
Auset Temple Egyptian Healing
Level One online workshop.
Cost $495
Fri 19th July  10.30am 2.30 pm  and 
Sat 20th July 10am – 5pm

$200 Non refundable deposit is required to book your place. 

Notes – Practitioner Certification
All 3 levels plus some case studies are required for practitioner qualification. Levels must be taken in order.

Saraswathi Temple Healing
Online Workshop 

Saraswathi Temple Healing Zoom Workshop

This online training which enables you to do this healing modality via distance for your clients and to also participate in the comfort of your own home. 
This is a beautiful workshop working with the Hindu Goddesses Saraswathi and Lakshmi.. Helps clear obstacles and bring abundance and blessings.  SARASWATHI TEMPLE HEALING LEVEL ONE

Receive the power and Secret Knowledge to give Sacred Blessings and powerful Spiritual Healings for Abundance and Good Health with the Goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswathi plus Lord Ganesha.

Receive powerful and effective Initiations to enable you to transmit these Blessings and Healings for yourself plus to family and clients. This healing method is very safe and effective and can be given with the client sitting in a chair or lying a on massage table.

To be actually certified as a practitioner it is required to do some case studies and repeat the one day workshop at half price. Friday 2nd August 9am to 3.30pm Cost is $295 for the one day zoom workshop.

$200 deposit is required to book.
Please contact Sue for details 0408 813379



Internationally Certified Crystal Healing Practitioner Course –
levels over 5 days Crystal Light Healing® Practitioner Certification Course provides you with real tools to bring spiritual/metaphysical principles into your life, Helping to accelerate your spiritual development and awaken your intuitive and psychic abilities. 

Crystal Light Healing® provides the potential to heal yourself/others/animals from dis-ease, become a clear channel of higher consciousness,  catapult personal growth/evolution and elevate your professional performance in business. 
You also learn all about crystals their spiritual meanings, crystal gridding, essence making, crystal healing and more. 

Crystal Light Healing® Practitioners Course comprises of Crystal Light Healing® Levels I, II , lll There are no pre-requisites.   You can enrol in Crystal Light Healing ® modules individually or you can enrol in the full 3 as a 5 day 
September dates to be advised.