Last chance to book 11/11 Distance Healing Event !! Tomorrow night 11pm
11/11 Gateway Ascension Download – Group Distance Healing Event 11pm Friday Nov 11th AEST (Not daylight savings time)
Dont miss this amazing energy portal and opportunity to align and receive this cosmic download.
Important to hold an anchoring crystal whilst tuning in to receive this energy.
This ascension download is best received by sitting cross legged on the ground or on an altar cloth, sarong etc rather than a mat or cushion.
Hold your anchor crystal ( obsidian tourmaline hematite etc) and burn a red candle if you have one.
If you will be asleep place the crystals in the bed beside you or on the bedside table.
You will receive many alchemical attunements and encodements during this time.
Please book and pay prior to 9pm Friday night. You must then text your name to Sue on 0408813379 so your name can be written and added to the healing circle.
11/11 Distance Healing Event