8/8 Lionsgate Portal Healing & Activation Events * Please note there are two options for this event First Option – 8/8 Lionsgate Energy Portal Activation only which will be held on Tuesday 8th August 8pm AEST Cost $20 The lionsgate portal sends incredible amounts of powerful light codes flooding to the earth each year at the same time. This occurs over roughly a week with the strongest energies on the 8th. These lightcodes:- – Deepen our spiritual understanding – Activate emotional healing – Help us manifest more joy, creativity and abundance. By participating in this event you are opening to receive and accepting all the universe has to offer to support you in a joyful and abundant future. Option 2 Starts tonight!! Monday 7th August 10pm AEST and is a distance healing to firstly clear any emotional stress you may be feeling, energetically clear and balance your aura and chakras and finally prepare you energetically for full acceptance of the light codes you will receive during the Lions Gate Activation the following night. Cost is additional $20 ($40 for both healings and activations over the 2 nights) You do not need to be awake or in meditation to receive either the healing or activation, fine to sleep through, be working or going about your daily tasks. Use a carnelian and an apophyllite crystal in your pocket if awake or have beside your bed if you will be asleep if you have them. * For all bookings please direct deposit either the $20 payment for Option 1 or the $40 payment for option 2 and notify Sue by text or email that it has been done. Please include your name or the person you are booking for, to receive the healing. Text 0408 813379 or Email – mysticuniverse88@gmail.com |
8/8 Lionsgate Portal Healing & Activation Events